Is Monsanto Being Sabotaged?


Photo Credit: Francois from Strasbourg, france

Oregon has been in the news recently for growing illegal GMO wheat. This article raises questions to how this actually happened. Is someone trying to sabotage Monsanto by secretly planting the illegal seed or is the government playing the “we didn’t know” card all while trying to hide a mistake?

I am not jumping to any conclusions on the matter, just an interesting thing to think about. Where do you stand? Sabotage or government cover up?

Article copied from: Huffington Post

Monsanto’s Unapproved GMO Wheat Stored In Colorado For 7 Years, Investigators Say

By Carey Gillam

June 28 (Reuters) – Monsanto Co’s unapproved, experimental genetically engineered wheat, which is feared to have potentially contaminated U.S. wheat supplies after it was found growing in an Oregon field this spring, was kept in a U.S. government storage facility until at least late 2011, according to documents obtained by Reuters.

The revelation that the seed for the controversial genetically engineered wheat was kept viable in a Colorado storage facility as recently as a year and a half ago comes as the U.S. government is investigating how the strain of experimental wheat wound up growing in an Oregon field this spring.

The probe by the U.S. Department of Agriculture includes an examination of the handling of the GMO wheat seed that Monsanto directed be sent to the government-controlled National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation in Fort Collins, Colorado, beginning in late 2004, according to Peter Bretting, who oversees the center for the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service.

David Dierig, research leader at the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation, also said the matter was “under active investigation.”

The National Center uses high-tech methods to extend the viability of seeds for decades, much longer than their viability in conventional storage. The facility took in at least 43 physical containers of Monsanto’s so-called “Roundup Ready” wheat in late 2004 and early 2005, the documents show. The material represented more than 1,000 different unique varieties or lines, according to the documents that Monsanto provided in a heavily redacted format.

The documents were made up of correspondence between Monsanto and the Colorado facility.

Monsanto was shutting down its work with Roundup Ready wheat, altered to tolerate treatments of Roundup herbicide, when it set up a contract dated Nov. 2, 2004, for the resources preservation center to store its wheat seed. Monsanto said the seed was confirmed incinerated on Jan. 5, 2012.

“At our direction, the seed was destroyed … as it was old material and we had no plans for its future use,” said Monsanto spokesman Thomas Helscher, who provided Reuters with the supporting documents. Monsanto also archived some of the wheat at its facilities in St. Louis, Missouri.

When asked if USDA had accounted for all the supplies sent to the Colorado facility, USDA spokesman Ed Curlett said the government probe is seeking an answer to that question.

A USDA spokesman on Friday said the government does believe that all the seed it received was incinerated, and that it cannot account for seed that might have been sent elsewhere.

The Roundup Ready wheat was never approved for commercial use and was supposed to be tightly controlled. Monsanto has said it suspects someone covertly obtained its wheat seed and planted it in the Oregon field to sabotage Monsanto’s work with biotech crops.

The government and Monsanto have said there is no indication the GMO wheat made it into commercial supplies, but the finding has hit Monsanto and the wheat industry hard.

Monsanto has been named in several lawsuits and over the last month, exports of U.S. western white wheat have been curtailed as foreign buyers shun the U.S. supplies and demand assurances that none of the biotech wheat has contaminated the marketplace.

Wheat growers want the mystery solved.

“Determining how it happened would certainly make it easier for us to make sure … that it doesn’t happen again, regardless of whether it was sabotage or some accident,” said Blake Rowe, chief executive of the Oregon Wheat Commission. “Our customers would like to know how it happened.”


The “Art” Of Health {updated budget & a new business}

Summer. Relaxing days spent outdoors blowing bubbles and lounging by the pool while the children swim happily. No fighting, everyone can swim without some sort of floatation device needing to be blown up. They can go potty alone, feed themselves and always keep a tidy room oh and no schedules, homework or field trips. What a dream. I don’t know why I wake up most days and think this is reality? We lead a very busy life, probably more busy than most and the last two years has been insane.


My Husband and his Brother have been tirelessly working hours on end, after their normal day job, creating an iPhone app. The last two years I have given up my Husband to pursue his dream, creating something with his brother for the iPhone. The day has finally arrived, the app is FINISHED and releasing in the iTunes store TODAY. I could not be more proud of them and I must say the app is really awesome. Here is a little bit about the company:

Screen Shot 2013-06-24 at 8.50.37 PM is an iPhone app that enables artists to share original art with their community and locals to find and buy art. A wall often exists between regular people and the art world. Artists, whether hobbyist or professional, have no simple way to make their art accessible, and everyone else has no simple way to connect with local artists and purchase their work. Finestra changes all that by giving people a chance to preview art on their own wall while hearing the artists themselves tell the story behind the art. Potential buyers can email an artist to set up an appointment or get directions to see the art in person right away. Artists use the app to easily capture, manage, and promote their work professionally, or on a casual basis. Art surrounds us, and Finestra connects us through art to restore the role of artists in our communities and re-imagine our living spaces.

You can watch a 1 min promo video: 

<p><a href=”″>Finestra Art App</a> from <a href=”″>Finestra Art App</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a&gt;.</p>

It would be really awesome if you could go like them on FB: Finestra! Also, if you have an iPhone go download the app and check it out and request your city! You won’t be disappointed 🙂

Thank you for letting me go outside my normal posting to brag on my Hubby. Now back to foodie talk 🙂 The last 4 months has been a time of learning and figuring out “what works” for our family. Thankfully we have finally gotten into a pretty nice groove and I have tailored down our budget A LOT!

After the great purge of GMO’s from our house we were left pretty bare. I had to do a lot of stocking up on normal everyday items that I threw away. It was an expensive first few weeks! Thankfully I have figured things out and I have barely stepped foot into Whole Foods in 3 months! Crazy. I hear from several people that “it was just too expensive”. I get that. It IS expensive. But, you have to weigh the pro’s and con’s of cheap food now… potential health problems in the future or a little more expensive food now and great health later.



Here is the break down of a general week in food for us. First, I get this really amazing farmer’s market basket every week that consists of local produce. I get a large basket and I typically add on 18 organic farm fresh eggs. It generally costs me around $30 dollars a week for everything you see pictured above. I also get my local raw honey from here for a great price! Do you have a local farmers market or farm share near you that you love? I would highly suggest looking into it if you do not know.

I do the rest of my shopping at Publix and Costco. Publix is generally just for spices, organic chicken, milk and gluten free items. Costco is awesome for frozen organic veggies, snacks and organic beef! We spend around $90.00-$100.00 a week in these places, sometimes it is less depending on what toiletries we need. So, in a month we generally spend $490.00 on groceries and toiletries.

I will do a much more detailed post in the future, but for now I need to help my Husband finish the last touches for our app release party here tomorrow night.


Day Fifty Two. Eat Healthy + Gain Weight = Happy.

Day Fifty Two.



I never thought I would see such a drastic change in my son just by changing his eating habits. I knew that eating healthy has it’s benefits, but I would have never guessed I would get these results so quickly. This update on my sons health makes me tear up with happiness. All those nights spent worrying if my son was growing, why was he hurting, does he have some major illness, etc…all gone, just a memory and a memory that seems like it was years ago, not just a few months.

If you are just joining my blog let me fill you in on our journey. My three year old son suffered several “symptoms” that I could not let pass by anymore and I had to get answers.

  1. He never had a normal bowel movement, it was always diarrhea and frequently would have whole undigested food in it.
  2. Horrible, horrible foul smell from BM’s.
  3. Was very irritable.
  4. He wet the bed.
  5. Would wake up several times throughout the night whether it be a bad dream, tummy ache or just restlessness. At 3 years old he still had only “slept through the night”  maybe 3 times. Sleep stretches would be no more than 3 hours at a time.
  6. Nail biting.
  7. Poor weight gain, which eventually started to get to weight loss (this is when we took him to medical doctors).
  8. Poor growth, short stature, although this was less concerning being that both my husband and myself are shorter.
  9. Extremely picky eater. Poor appetite.

It might not seem like a lot to you, but for me as a mom I just knew something was not right. We went through several different tests which all came back clear for any major problems. Whew. All we discovered was that he had high fat content in his stools and had trouble with nutrient absorption. Our GI Specialists suggested taking him off gluten to see how he responded.

We not only took him off gluten but we proceeded with a 60 day detox of all GMO’s. I started seeing results almost immediately. His attitude seemed different. He was a happy kid again, as the weeks go by things keep improving.

  1. His bowel movements look normal. No more diarrhea. Food is processed and it smells SO much better.
  2. He was happy. Still whines like your normal child, but nothing like before.
  3. No more bed wetting! Bye-bye pull ups!
  4. Sleeps 12+ hours a night. Seriously, amazing.
  5. Still bites his nails, but I think it has to do more with just being nervous. It did stop for awhile, but that has returned.
  6. February 2nd weighed in at 31 lbs. June 2nd weighed in at 35.5 lbs! 
  7. February 2nd he was still wearing 24 month clothing. June 2nd he now fits 4T perfectly!
  8. “Better” eater, still picky, but he does not gag on food anymore.

I cannot say enough about our new lifestyle and how much it literally has changed our life. Whenever we slip out of our diet due to a vacation or pure laziness I can tell the difference. It is really weird how quickly your body responds to poor eating habits. You start craving sweets and fats more, you get irritable,  it’s a beast. The opposite happens if you increase healthy foods and good fats. Your mood lightens, your are happy, you feel energized and sweets are a thing of the past (haha, yeah right!).

I know I have been lacking on posting, Summer has been super busy. I know you understand, right? Our littlest started walking, she is such a monkey and always into trouble. The other two are just as busy as ever, parties to attend, vacations, swim lessons, etc… I really do want to be posting more and cooking more but life has taken over. I will get back into a regular routine very soon. All Summer vacations are over at this point. We just have one more major event… My Husband and Brother-in-law have been working tirelessly on creating an iPhone app and I have been writing for them as well. I will be announcing their app Thursday, it goes public Friday, and I couldn’t be more excited for them!




Tell Kroger You Do Not Want GMO Salmon!

I received this tonight in my email and wanted to share it with you. Please take the few seconds it takes to sign this petition! Thank you!


Tell Kroger to take the lead and sign the Pledge for Genetically Engineered-Free Seafood today!

In March, Institute for Responsible Technology Food Fund Policy, worked with Friends of the Earth and other partners to launch the Campaign for Genetically Engineered-Free Seafood, and we hit the ground running!

Now Kroger, the nation’s largest grocery store chain, has made a statement too — they told consumers they have “no intention” of selling genetically engineered salmon, but also left the door open to sell it if it’s approved by FDA.

Take action today and let Kroger know you do not want to see genetically engineered seafood in its stores and demand that it sign the Pledge for GE-Free Seafood?

We know Kroger can and should do better and follow the lead of its major competitors with a FIRM commitment to not sell genetically engineered seafood in its 3,500 grocery stores across the U.S., including Ralphs, Fred Meyer, GFC and Food 4 Less. As we all know, “intentions” can change and we need strong company policies to protect our oceans from the risks of genetically engineered fish.

We’re so close to stopping genetically engineered fish and we need your help today to push America’s #1 conventional grocery store to make a solid public commitment to keep it off their shelves.

The Food and Drug Administration has stated that it won’t likely require companies to label genetically engineered seafood, leaving consumers no way of avoiding it at the market. By signing the Pledge for GE-Free Seafood, grocery stores, restaurants, chefs and other food companies make it clear that they will not knowingly purchase or sell genetically engineered salmon or other genetically engineered seafood.

By agreeing not to sell genetically engineered seafood, Kroger and its banner stores could go a long way toward making sure genetically engineered seafood is dead in the water in the United States and would signal a huge victory for consumer rights.

Take action to tell Kroger to protect consumer rights and sign the Pledge for GE-Free Seafood!

Ain’t Your Grandma’s Coleslaw {gluten & dairy free}


I have never been a huge fan of the mayo based coleslaw or even cabbage itself. Just not my taste. But, as I have been reading various articles I knew that cabbage was a vegetable I wanted to add more of in my diet. It is rich in fiber, vitamin C, a natural detoxifier and has even shown signs of reducing risk of cancer. I just needed to make a recipe that suited my taste buds, but could never bring myself to buy it.

Low and behold, last week in my farmers market basket (my local organic co-op) what did I get? A huge head of cabbage! I knew this was my opportunity to make it shine and shine it did in this coleslaw. Everyone loved it and it did not last long around here.

I hope you enjoy it!

Ain’t Your Grandma’s Coleslaw



1 lg. head of green cabbage, finely chopped
2 carrots, peeled and shredded
1 small onion
1/2 c. cilantro


1/3 c. rice wine vinegar
1/2 c. extra virgin olive oil
1 1/2 T. sesame oil
1 t. ground ginger
3-4 T. raw sugar


In a small bowl whisk the dressing together and set aside.
Cut up all veggie and place in a large bowl.
Toss with dressing and refrigerate for 2 hours.