Food Fight. When Activism Leads to Mass Murder.

Tonight on Fox News channel I watched a show called, The Five. Greg Gutfeld was speaking and he had a few things to say about people who disagree with GMO’s. This particular five minute segment has me so upset, I need to take a few moments to respond.

First, he opens the show with a title: “When Activism Leads to Mass Murder.” He calls the people who disagree with the benefits of GMO’s an “accessory to murder, loopy celebrities and enviro-terrorists”.

Well, excuse me Mr. Gutfeld, but I am no loopy celebrity or enviro-terrorist. I am simply a stay-at-home Mom who has seen the ill-effects of GMO’s on my families health and I am doing something about it, for the sake of my family. 

He then further has the guts to say that “natural is just the elites way of saying I am better than you to the poor. Lucky for them they have no problems getting vitamin A, their maids do it for them”. 

Maybe it is my newly pregnant hormones raging, but I almost threw something at the screen. Seriously, Mr Gutfeld don’t you think this is a big extreme and harsh? I am most definitely not taking the stand of a “elitist” with our natural eating. If anything, I strive on this blog to be real, to come across as the exact opposite of this. I know it is hard and expensive to eat healthy, but I also do not want this is discourage anyone from making changes where they can. Moderation and any sort of change from the processed, chemical laden food will benefit anyone. Oh, and by the way we DO have problems finding our vitamin A because your big corporations, like Monsanto, that you stand behind strip all the nutrients from our food and replace them with artificial vitamins, in case you did not know, are not better for you. And please, if I could for one second trade my place with you so you can see what my “maid” looks like I think you would take your words back. This is a slap in the face to any typical Mom who tries to make the most of her family’s healthy eating habits. Grouping all people who eat natural as those rich enough to afford maids is by far a stretch.

I am just an average American, we are not “rich” by any means or in any “elite” circle.  I am not a celebrity or a environmentalist. I am a Mom who saw my children, and myself, suffering. We took steps to figure out what was causing our sickness and you know what we found? It was genetically modified food. Those exact GMO’s you are claiming I have murdered people for by standing up against them. Those GMO’s were causing pain and suffering in my family. You tell me what Mom can obviously see that something is causing her children to suffer and continue to give it to them? No Mom. No Mom, Mr. Gutfeld.

You said, about me, “in service to their ego they turn a blind eye to the suffering of others who’s actual blindness they cause”. I am not servicing my ego by refusing to eat GMO’s, I am servicing my families health and well being. For us, this is the right choice. The fact that you would go further to say that I am turning a blind eye to those suffering is absurd.! Do you know how much I fight for people who are suffering? No. Did you know that my family contributed to third world countries and the building of clean wells for fresh water? No. You are not here when I pray with my children over our dinner for those who do not have enough money to eat. We are thankful for every God grown, nutritious meal we are able to provide. I take the time to teach my children about those less fortunate than us, we serve with our local church and homeless ministry by making lunches for those in need. We take food and donate it to a local food pantry. We reach out, we serve and we are doing our best to teach our children to be the kind of people who notice those that are suffering and DO something about it.

On a side note, I found this website detailing all the third world countries who THEMSELVES are refusing the GMO foods we are donating. Interesting. Third World Nations Fight Back Against GMOs Food – Rosebud Magazine Hydroponics Lifestyle Growing And Entertainment!

I will end my rant by saying I do realize Scientists are trying their best to help those third world countries by creating food that can help save lives for starving nations. I commend that. I do not think there is anything wrong with it, nor do I think there is anything inherently wrong with GMO’s. I just know that through our journey I have learned that GMO’s, for whatever reason, are harmful to my children and family as a whole and I will do everything I can to protect my family. So if I must be labeled a “loopy environmentalist” for sake of my son growing and thriving in life, so be it.

You can watch the entire segment of this show here:

When The Unexpected Happens {an explanation of my absence}

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We were finally getting into a groove, I was comfortable with cooking clean, nutritious and gluten free meals that my family actually liked. Weekly visits to my chiropractor were significantly helping my digestive system and managing my endometriosis pain.  I was busily planning for homeschooling 1st grade to my daughter, planning fun preschool crafts and projects for my son and training my baby to take a long nap so we could accomplish school in peace. Then it happened. Of course, I should have guessed that because I was getting comfortable with our new routine that a huge curve ball would be thrown into my court. Last month, I found out I was pregnant with our 4th baby.


This came as a HUGE surprise. We always wanted four babies, but right now, seriously? My baby just turned one! I will admit, I was completely overwhelmed and felt scared. You see, my pregnancies have typically been very rough. Morning sickness that lasts all day and night for weeks on end, cysts that rupture, babies that want to be born early causing me to go on bed rest, along with all the other joys of pregnancy 🙂 I did not know how I was going to keep our “routine” that we had worked so hard to perfect while growing another baby inside me.


Here I am, five weeks later, and we are still “making it”….barely. Morning sickness has been extreme, thus my non-posting for a long time. Cooking has been non-exsistant. But, we have survived. My husband has stepped up so much by slowing down his work schedule so he can be available to help, take- out has been frequent, my six year old daughter has been amazing and served me in so many ways. She helps with breakfast and lunch, changes the occasion diaper when I cannot handle the smells and managed to maintain a happy heart. I love my family.


As scared as I am with the thought of managing four babies under six, I cannot help but be humbled and grateful for the opportunity to raise four little people, MY little people. Doctors told me when I was younger that I would never have children. Here I am, pregnant with a healthy fourth baby and we have had no help, beside a surgery to clean out some endometriosis 7 years ago.


I am almost nearing the end of my first trimester and I am hoping to be back to posting and cooking soon. For now, it will still be sporadic. We just finished our first week of homeschooling and I am trying to figure out a new normal for our family during this season.


I will leave you with an introduction to my new favorite non-GMO company, The Ginger People. They make a variety of different products and some of them have become genuine life savers for me! I encourage you to find their products in your nearest health food store and give them a try! Here is a little more about them:

“Established in 1984, The Ginger People® began its mission to produce the world’s finest range of ginger products and ingredients. Why? Herbalists have used ginger for thousands of years to restore vital energy, stimulate circulation and relieve countless maladies including nausea, headaches and arthritis. Modern science backs what the ancients have known for centuries: Ginger is one of nature’s most powerful herbal remedies. Add in ginger’s versatile flavor and culinary prowess, and it’s clear why we’re passionate about this venerable spice.”


Thank you for understanding my absence, you are all the best! I have continued to gain more readers and encouragement from you, even with the lack of posting or new recipes. I love blogging about our journey and hearing from you! Thank you for supporting me.

Is Monsanto Being Sabotaged?


Photo Credit: Francois from Strasbourg, france

Oregon has been in the news recently for growing illegal GMO wheat. This article raises questions to how this actually happened. Is someone trying to sabotage Monsanto by secretly planting the illegal seed or is the government playing the “we didn’t know” card all while trying to hide a mistake?

I am not jumping to any conclusions on the matter, just an interesting thing to think about. Where do you stand? Sabotage or government cover up?

Article copied from: Huffington Post

Monsanto’s Unapproved GMO Wheat Stored In Colorado For 7 Years, Investigators Say

By Carey Gillam

June 28 (Reuters) – Monsanto Co’s unapproved, experimental genetically engineered wheat, which is feared to have potentially contaminated U.S. wheat supplies after it was found growing in an Oregon field this spring, was kept in a U.S. government storage facility until at least late 2011, according to documents obtained by Reuters.

The revelation that the seed for the controversial genetically engineered wheat was kept viable in a Colorado storage facility as recently as a year and a half ago comes as the U.S. government is investigating how the strain of experimental wheat wound up growing in an Oregon field this spring.

The probe by the U.S. Department of Agriculture includes an examination of the handling of the GMO wheat seed that Monsanto directed be sent to the government-controlled National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation in Fort Collins, Colorado, beginning in late 2004, according to Peter Bretting, who oversees the center for the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service.

David Dierig, research leader at the National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation, also said the matter was “under active investigation.”

The National Center uses high-tech methods to extend the viability of seeds for decades, much longer than their viability in conventional storage. The facility took in at least 43 physical containers of Monsanto’s so-called “Roundup Ready” wheat in late 2004 and early 2005, the documents show. The material represented more than 1,000 different unique varieties or lines, according to the documents that Monsanto provided in a heavily redacted format.

The documents were made up of correspondence between Monsanto and the Colorado facility.

Monsanto was shutting down its work with Roundup Ready wheat, altered to tolerate treatments of Roundup herbicide, when it set up a contract dated Nov. 2, 2004, for the resources preservation center to store its wheat seed. Monsanto said the seed was confirmed incinerated on Jan. 5, 2012.

“At our direction, the seed was destroyed … as it was old material and we had no plans for its future use,” said Monsanto spokesman Thomas Helscher, who provided Reuters with the supporting documents. Monsanto also archived some of the wheat at its facilities in St. Louis, Missouri.

When asked if USDA had accounted for all the supplies sent to the Colorado facility, USDA spokesman Ed Curlett said the government probe is seeking an answer to that question.

A USDA spokesman on Friday said the government does believe that all the seed it received was incinerated, and that it cannot account for seed that might have been sent elsewhere.

The Roundup Ready wheat was never approved for commercial use and was supposed to be tightly controlled. Monsanto has said it suspects someone covertly obtained its wheat seed and planted it in the Oregon field to sabotage Monsanto’s work with biotech crops.

The government and Monsanto have said there is no indication the GMO wheat made it into commercial supplies, but the finding has hit Monsanto and the wheat industry hard.

Monsanto has been named in several lawsuits and over the last month, exports of U.S. western white wheat have been curtailed as foreign buyers shun the U.S. supplies and demand assurances that none of the biotech wheat has contaminated the marketplace.

Wheat growers want the mystery solved.

“Determining how it happened would certainly make it easier for us to make sure … that it doesn’t happen again, regardless of whether it was sabotage or some accident,” said Blake Rowe, chief executive of the Oregon Wheat Commission. “Our customers would like to know how it happened.”


Tell Kroger You Do Not Want GMO Salmon!

I received this tonight in my email and wanted to share it with you. Please take the few seconds it takes to sign this petition! Thank you!


Tell Kroger to take the lead and sign the Pledge for Genetically Engineered-Free Seafood today!

In March, Institute for Responsible Technology Food Fund Policy, worked with Friends of the Earth and other partners to launch the Campaign for Genetically Engineered-Free Seafood, and we hit the ground running!

Now Kroger, the nation’s largest grocery store chain, has made a statement too — they told consumers they have “no intention” of selling genetically engineered salmon, but also left the door open to sell it if it’s approved by FDA.

Take action today and let Kroger know you do not want to see genetically engineered seafood in its stores and demand that it sign the Pledge for GE-Free Seafood?

We know Kroger can and should do better and follow the lead of its major competitors with a FIRM commitment to not sell genetically engineered seafood in its 3,500 grocery stores across the U.S., including Ralphs, Fred Meyer, GFC and Food 4 Less. As we all know, “intentions” can change and we need strong company policies to protect our oceans from the risks of genetically engineered fish.

We’re so close to stopping genetically engineered fish and we need your help today to push America’s #1 conventional grocery store to make a solid public commitment to keep it off their shelves.

The Food and Drug Administration has stated that it won’t likely require companies to label genetically engineered seafood, leaving consumers no way of avoiding it at the market. By signing the Pledge for GE-Free Seafood, grocery stores, restaurants, chefs and other food companies make it clear that they will not knowingly purchase or sell genetically engineered salmon or other genetically engineered seafood.

By agreeing not to sell genetically engineered seafood, Kroger and its banner stores could go a long way toward making sure genetically engineered seafood is dead in the water in the United States and would signal a huge victory for consumer rights.

Take action to tell Kroger to protect consumer rights and sign the Pledge for GE-Free Seafood!

Day Fifty One. Jack & Coke, A Toxic Cocktail?

Day Fifty One.

It is probably one of the most popular cocktails. Boasting only two ingredients, simple yet strong. The main ingredient masks the strong taste of whiskey under it’s bubbly sweetness. Jack and Coke has been around as long as me and it shows no signs of dying soon. But, will drinking this popular drink be the perfect toxic cocktail to send your body spiraling into poor health?

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Photo credit:

I am not one for scare tactics, but the wonder behind what is actually in this drink that seemed as simple as 2 ingredients got me asking questions. Are there really only 2 ingredients? No. My guess is there are several, but both Jack Daniels and Coca-Cola have a secret ingredient list. That led me to dig further, because a “secret” ingredient list is intriguing to me.

Let’s start with Jack Daniels. They are a huge multi-million dollar company, landing themselves in the top ten best selling alcoholic brands in the world. They have a very high demand for their products. Interestingly enough, they do not include an ingredient list. I emailed them a couple months ago asking them if they used GMO corn in their whiskey. I heard back and wanted to share the email with you.

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Recap, in 2000 they opted to not use GM corn anymore due to high demand, mainly in Europe, go figure. However, push came to shove and non GMO corn is just too expensive. Cuts into their pockets too much I guess. Did you catch the bold claim they made in this email:

“none of the genetic material makes it through the distilling process to the final product.”

Do you trust that claim? I do not know much about the distilling process, I am intrigued enough to learn more about how this process happens. For now, I will pass on the next Jack and Coke but not because of the Jack, it is Coke that is my biggest problem.

Would you ever grab a can, pop the top and drink it without wondering what you are drinking. You might say ‘no’, but I bet you have done it before and not just once. We (and I am not excluded from this list) have done this at least once, if not, hundreds of times in our lifetime. Do you really know what is in that beloved Coke or better yet Diet Coke? Does anyone? Coca-Cola is one of the world’s most popular carbonated beverages and it has such an interesting start. Did you know the original recipe was created in the 1800’s by a Civil War Vet, addicted to drugs, who was searching for a cure to his pain? In fact, the original recipe contained coca and cocaine. Here is a good article I read on the history of Coke-A-Cola in the New York Times.

coke bottle

Photo Credit:

There are numerous articles out there that go into great scientific detail as to why these addicting carbonated beverages are so bad for you, especially the diet versions. I won’t take the time to write about it, let’s just be very basic. What do I know from first glance? The ingredients listed on a can of Coke: “natural flavors, high-fructose corn syrup and/ or sucrose, caramel color, phosphoric acid and caffeine.” All of these ingredients are unhealthy (ha!) and each have a long list of health concerns. No where in this list do you see a “real” ingredient, just chemicals and water. And you better believe that Coca-Cola is not revealing the list of ingredients in it’s entirety. That is just a tad concerning to me, you?

If you combine this chemical laden, carbonated “drink” with a genetically modified alcohol, you just might create a toxic cocktail. Okay, okay. I know I am being dramatic, but did it get you thinking? 🙂 Just something to sip on the next time you order the simple, Jack and Coke: “what am I actually drinking?”