Day Twenty Three. Quinoa Mac And Cheese.





Day Twenty Three.


My kids love macaroni and cheese, what kid doesn’t!? I have been buying the Amy’s brand organic gluten free boxed mac and cheese for them but that darn little box is expensive! I decided to make my own gluten free recipe. I used my all.time.favorite homemade mac and cheese recipe from Pioneer Woman. You have heard of her, right? She has some pretty tasty recipes and her mac and cheese is no exception.




Recipe for my Quinoa Mac and Cheese is at the bottom of this post.



You think you guessed it right? If you did not get the chance to read the list you can see it here. I am starting a new thing here on my blog. Every Monday I will take one product and list the ingredients and then you get to guess in the comment section what you think it is! They are common foods found at your grocery store: Publix, Kroger, Aldi etc… I will post the answers on Tuesday.

The answer is:


Crosse & Blackwell Mango Chutney! chutney



I found a really good recipe for making your own mango chutney. Not only will it save you from all those artificial ingredients you will also know you are getting a non GMO chutney (just make sure you use raw sugar!). You can see it here: Homemade Mango Chutney.


Quinoa Mac and Cheese – It’s Gluten Free!

1 1/2 c. uncooked quinoa, cooked according to package directions.

2 c. chicken stock

2 T. organic butter

1/4 c. gluten free flour of choice (get this, all I had was my 8 month old baby’s infant rice cereal! I used it and it worked perfectly! Don’t tell my family…)

1 c. organic whole milk

1 t. dry mustard

1/2 t. salt

1/2 t. garlic powder

1 organic egg

2 1/4 c. organic raw cheddar cheese (Aldi has a very affordable organic cheddar cheese!)


Cook the quinoa in chicken stock according to package directions. Drain off any excess liquid when it finishes cooking and set aside. In a separate sauce pan melt the butter. Add the flour of choice and stir constantly for 5 minutes. Slowly stir in the milk and keep stirring to prevent it from clumping. Cook for 5 more minutes. Add the seasoning and stir. In a small bowl whisk the egg and slowly add 1/4 c. of the milk mixture. Whisk, whisk, whisk to prevent the egg from cooking. Slowly add the egg mixture into the sauce pan and stir. Once your milk mixture is thick, stir in the cheese. When the cheese in melted add the cooked quinoa.

At this point you can serve it very creamy or you can transfer it into a baking dish and bake in the oven at 350 until it is golden and bubbly. I preferred it baked, but my kids liked it creamy! It’s up to you. Enjoy!


5 thoughts on “Day Twenty Three. Quinoa Mac And Cheese.

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